Did you ever notice that the Bible tells us over and over again: Remember What God Has Done?
It's a command. Just as important as any other command. And everything God tells us to do is always for our benefit.
Remembering what God has done is a choice. He doesn’t want us to remember for remembering’s sake, but so we’ll have the faith to believe that what he has done before, he can do right now.
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.
– Psalm 77:11–12
Very early in my Christian walk, a mentor suggested to me that I should record, in the front of my Bible, significant encounters and experiences I had with God. He called them “Standing Stones.”
We see this idea in the Bible, where God's people set up memorials to help them remember what God has done.
Write your Standing Stones in the front of your Bible.

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