Welcome to my online bookstore. It features some of my bestselling Christian books for women including Bible studies and devotionals. These are perfect for private study or bible study groups.
You'll also find practical how-to books that address many areas you may be struggling with, from unforgiveness to weight loss.
I've been writing Christian books for women since 1990. I had a brand new baby and was struggling to find a way to work from home, using my gifts and education. Back then, “working from home” was code for “unemployable.”
But I knew in my heart there was a way. And when I found it, my first thought was, “There's got to be other women who want the same thing.” Focus on the Family agreed and published my first book, about that journey, called Homemade Business: A Woman's Step-by-Step Guide to Earning Money From Home. Years later, they released an all-new edition for the digital age, Making Money From Home.
You're Not Alone
From the beginning, my heart has been to share my journey with other Christian women, being completely transparent about everything – the God, the bad, and the ugly.
Once upon a time, it was considered revolutionary for a Christian woman to publicly admit screaming at her kids. I was one of the first to strip off the mask and just be real in my Christian books for women.
That's always been so important to me because…
“We read to know we're not alone”
– C.S. Lewis
I can remember, so many times, reaching for a book, looking for answers about things I was struggling with. Whether I was struggling with my kids, struggling with my weight, struggling with mood swings, struggling to make money from home.
But, honestly, by the end of reading most Christian books for women, I'd feel more alone than ever. The author seemed to have it all together: perfect marriage, perfect kids, perfect life. It was so far removed from my reality. I just couldn't relate.
Shouldn't Christian Books For Women Be Authentic?
So I made a promise to God and to myself. And now I'm making it to you. In every book I write, I share about my life as it really is — not as it ought to be — and then just let the chips fall where they may.
If I live to be 100, I'll never forget the first major review of Becoming a Vessel God Can Use. It said:
“Her zealous colloquialisms will create a bruising backlash…”
And this appeared in the journal that all Christian bookstore owners read to decide which Christian books to put on their shelves.
Oh no!! I was sure my career was over…
But then a funny thing happened.
Christian women started finding the book: in grocery stores and truck stops; in airports and pharmacies.
And real women with real problems absolutely loved my “zealous colloquialisms” – either that, or they were just glad to finally feel like “I'm not alone in my struggle.”
Now here we are. Thirty years and thirty books later.
My goal remains the same. To let my sisters know: you are not alone.
Below you'll find brief descriptions of some of my bible studies, devotionals, and how-to books. You can click any of the links and it will take you directly to Amazon, where most are available in both Paperback and Kindle editions.
You'll even find audio versions of several of my most popular books, including: Becoming a Vessel God Can Use and This Isn't' the Life I Signed Up For…but I'm Finding Hope & Healing (which I read) and Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be (featuring a guest reader).
And if my books bless your life, I'd love you to write and tell me all about it: donna@donnapartow.com or you can find me on most social media platforms.
Love and Prayers,
Christian Author's Guide Series
If you have a message to share with the world, learn from my three decades of experience!
Available now on Amazon
Getting Started on Amazon KDP

Available now on Amazon
There's No Comparison

Check out the companion eclass, now available for just $7 at www.donnapartow.com/confidence
Bible Studies & Devotionals

Be sure to check out the FREE companion eclass for The Special Blessings Prayer at www.specialblessingsprayer.com

Check out the companion ecourse for Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be. It's called The 90-Day Jumpstart to a New You. Learn more at www.proverbs31today.com.
Learn about all of my online courses by clicking the Training Tab.

You can learn about the companion eclass for Becoming the Woman I Want To Be, called The 90-Day Renewal for Spirit Soul & Body at www.donnapartow.com/yes

Learn more about the companion eclass for Becoming a Vessel God Can Use at www.donnapartow.com/vessel

Learn more about the companion eclass for Becoming a Vessel of God's Power at www.donnapartow.com/power

My Most “Autobiographical” Book

Self-Help Christian Books for Women

Inductive Bible Studies