Scroll Down For Contact Form
I'm so glad you decided to contact me today. You are probably here for 1 of 4 reasons:
1. You clicked Contact because you can't access the course materials you purchased and you're feeling kinda frustrated about that.
If it makes you feel any better (not sure if it will), you are definitely not alone. Lots of people don't realize that it is a membership site, so you have to LOG-IN FIRST. If you do not log-in first, then the website will either tell you that you need to place an order. Or it will take you to a page with a giant STOP SIGN.
I'm sure that was frustrating, so I apologize.
Simply return to the Membership Site and log-in first. Then click the "My Classes" tab to access your course materials.
2. You clicked Contact because you can't find your username and password...
So maybe you realize, "This is a membership site and I need to log-in" but... either cannot find - or cannot recall - your username and password.
If you are brand-new to this ministry, my automated system sent you an email with your username and password. But since it's automated, it sometimes ends up in your spam folder. (On gmail, that might also mean the Updates tab). Be sure to check the likely spots.
If you have ever purchased from me before, please use your existing username and password. The automated system doesn't generate an email for existing students; it assumes you have nothing better to do than remember all your old passwords. Yeah, I agree with you on that one, too.
Here's the good news:
- Your username is simply your email address.
- You can easily create a new password on the log-in screen.
If you encounter any problems, fill out the form below.
3. You clicked Contact because you are hoping I will be able to provide advice or counsel.
It's taken me a long, long time -- but now that I'm 60, I realize that not everyone is gifted for every task. I'm a Jersey Girl with a John the Baptist approach to getting God's people up out of the pews and into the world. It's what I call my "super-glue removal" anointing.
To be completely honest, I'm the last person you would want to tell about your problems. When I take spiritual gifts tests, mercy always finishes last on the list. Let me strongly encourage you (oops, notice I picked the word STRONGLY instead of lovingly or gently -- and I didn't even realize I was doing it!) to reach out to a local pastor or counselor who will have a more complete picture of your circumstances. As a result, they'll be able to provide better counsel.
4. You want to sell me your website services.
Actually, I love my website! No need to email me an offer about improving it.
My " Above & Beyond" Commitment to You:
If that doesn't answer your question, please go ahead and complete the Contact Form. I promise I will do my absolute best to get back to you asap. However, I'm a full-time tentmaking missionary and Kingdom Digital Nomad - so there may occasionally be a 24 to 48-hour delay. Please forgive me in advance and know that you are very important to me, because you are very important to God.

Donna Partow
3948 3rd Street South
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250