Purity: Does it Still Matter?

Purity is old-fashioned, right?

Not so fast!

“God is willing to work through anyone who is willing, but that willingness must be sincere and it must be demonstrated. Lip service isn't enough. God looks at the heart, yes, but “out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” Matthew 12:34.

The proof is in our lifestyles. It doesn't matter what we say; what we do gives us away every time.

However, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't share my conviction that you are highly unlikely to experience God's power in significant ways if you are living the typical Western lifestyle.

What do I mean by that?

Here it is straight-up: a hectic daily schedule capped off with three hours of television viewing or Internet surfing.

Because during that entire time, you will probably be bombarded with impure messages.

“All things are possible, but some things are highly improbable.”

Consider which aspects of your lifestyle promote purity and which might be hindrances.

What lifestyle change is God calling you to make? Is he calling you to a lifestyle of radical purity?

For more on Radical Purity.  And other tips for Christian Living subscribe to my Youtube Channel
For more on Radical Purity. And other tips for Christian Living subscribe to my Youtube Channel