Creating Accountability with a Pit Crew

You need a Pit Crew to Create Accountability in your life

Now let me guess what you're thinking! Pit crew? I'm not a race driver, why on earth what I need that?

Watch this video and find out:

Here's what the Bible says about the importance of accountability relationships:

Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he’s in trouble.

– Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (TLB)

Affirmation: I need a PIT crew: prayer warriors, insightful counselors, and gifted teachers.

Create Accountability

It's not enough for us to hunker down alone, fighting spiritual battles by ourselves. Frankly, it's easy to get weird when we go it alone. We need a group of people who pray with and for us. Our experience of the power of God will, to a great extent, depend on the caliber of prayer warriors on our team.

Ask the Holy Spirit whom to invite to be on board.

  • Who will you contact about being part of your PIT crew?
  • Do you need to volunteer to be part of someone else's PIT crew
  • Ideally, there is a crossover between the two.
  • What can you do today to be proactive about creating accountability in your life?

Create Accountability In a Variety of Areas

Your Pit Crew isn't just for your spiritual life, although that obviously comes first. Consider people who can help you refuel in every area:

  • Marriage
  • Health (how about a walking partner?)
  • Career or Calling
  • Finances
  • Parenting

Why not make a list of all the key areas in your life and then prayerfully consider inviting a team of people to gather around you? It's one of the most important things I've ever done for my spiritual, personal and professional development. I highly recommend it.

Creating Accountability with a Pit Crew
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You might also enjoy my video Do You Have Pet Sins? Be sure to check out my online study The Power God: A 30-Day Adventure with God and all of my Online Training Programs.