The Bible was written for you. And God wants you to take it personally.
Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.
– Psalm 119:111
Affirmation: The Bible has the power to transform me, especially when I make it personal.
The Holy Spirit led me to search out every Scripture passage that spoke to my identity in Christ. He prompted me to take out a notebook and rewrite every passage, making it personal.
For example, ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you…to go and bear fruit,' became, ‘God chose ME! God handpicked me to go bear fruit.' “
There is a preliminary list of personalized verses from the Bible starting on page 257 of Becoming a Vessel of God's Power. However, let the Holy Spirit be your Teacher. He knows your areas of greatest need.
Set aside 30 minutes to read through your favorite portion of the Bible. Whether that's Psalms, Proverbs, or one of the Epistles. (My favorite is the Book of Isaiah)
Now turn to some of your favorite passages (you have noted them, haven't you?) Now write out some of your own personalized scriptures!

You might also enjoy the Introductory Video for this series, Experience the Power of God: A 30-Day Adventure.