Do you dream of seeing the power of God at work TODAY? In your own life? And in the world around you?
That's been my dream since the day I became a Christian 40 years ago.
From the minute I picked up the Bible, I wondered: Why don't we see this God of Wonders anymore?
The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
– 1 Corinthians 4:20
Here’s what we’ll be exploring in this study on The Power of God:
- Purification. God’s power flows most consistently through a pure vessel, so you’ll learn some practical ways you can experience ongoing spiritual purity.
- The Word. You’ll see how to tap into the power of God’s Word with a fresh approach to reading, memorization, meditation, and usage.
- Prayer. You’ll find some practical tools for unlocking the power of praying Scripture for yourself, plus the effectiveness of God-directed prayer, corporate prayer, and praying with authority.
- Provision. You’ll learn to make the most of everything God has provided for you to walk in his power, including the support of prayer warriors, insightful counselors, and gifted teachers.
- Balancing solitude and service. You’ll be challenged to balance rest and service. Balance strengthens both the internal reality of God’s Spirit at work within you and the external expression of the Holy Spirit’s work you, enabling you to impact people and situations.
- Obedience. You’ll discover that as you walk in obedience and listen to God’s Spirit, he directs you to situations where he is already at work. You simply get the joy of being part of it.
If that sounds like what you’re looking for, I challenge you to make a serious commitment. Right now. Make the decision. For the next thirty days open your mind, your heart, and your life to the power of God. Give God thirty days—and see what he will do!
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