Forms for Download is one of the most popular pages on my website!
These are the forms featured in my top-selling Christian book, Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life
I pray these tools will be a blessing to you. In this age of technology, there's still something powerful about putting pen to paper. In fact, science proves that your brain is more activated when writing than keyboarding.
Get All 3 Forms for FREE
You can receive my complete package of forms including:
- The Daily Page
- Bible Study Worksheets
- Grocery List & Menu Plan
All of these resources are my gift to you! Just let me know your email address, so I know where to send them:
(Notice: I will send the forms to your email inbox via two different systems. Be sure to watch for 2 emails from me. If they don't appear in short order, be sure to check your spam box.)
Make Today Great Form
Since the publication of the book, I've developed a new daily planning form which I call Make Today Great. When you enter your email address to get the free forms, I'll include details on how you can access my free Make Today Great Planning Tool.
You'll also learn about a short training video I've put together to show you exactly how I get the most out of each day.
Proverbs 31 Online Class

Did you know there is an online companion video class for Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be?
It's called The 90-Day Jumpstart to a New You. In addition to 90 short daily videos, you'll also enjoy 12 hour-long teaching audios on each of the topics covered in the book.
It was recorded back in 2008, so full disclosure: it's not exactly high-tech, high-def super-slick.
It's just me, sitting by my fireplace, sharing with you — heart to heart and sister to sister. I think you might really like it, it's super-affordable and your registration helps keep me on the mission field.
(Wait, did you know I'm now a full-time tent-making missionary? Yep! Dream comes true!)
Be sure to check it out at
Learn more about all of my Online Training Programs and Live Events.
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You can see a picture of me with Beatriz, the Colombian woman who inspired me to write the book. It's not the best photo. We didn't have iPhones back when we first met!
This is me in Guatemala with her nephew, Hector Torres, and his wife. He has continued her godly legacy as the founder of Hispanic International Ministries.