Do you believe God wants to answer your prayers?
Or do you picture Him up in heaven with a giant rubber stamp with one word on it: NO.
God is a God of YES. His promises are all Yes and Amen.
The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
– James 5:15–16
Speak out this Biblical Affirmation: I believe God likes to say yes to my prayers.
God Answers Prayer
God did not create prayer as an exercise in futility. He created prayer as a tool to bring heaven’s power to bear upon the affairs of earth. For example:
- We read in Exodus how God answered many of Moses’s prayer in miraculous ways, including parting the Red Sea (see 14:13– 22).
- God answered Elijah’s prayer on Mt. Carmel when he rained fire from heaven in the battle against the prophets of Baal (see 1 Kings 18:20–40).
- Daniel was a mighty man of prayer who experienced many powerful answers. (see Daniel 2:17–19 and 6:4–24).
- Hezekiah prayed for protection against Sennacherib’s army, and God wiped out 185,000 enemy troops while the Israelites slept (see 2 Kings 19).
- Jonah prayed to be delivered from the belly of the fish, and God caused it to spit him out on dry land (see Jonah 2).
Clearly, God delights in saying yes to our prayers! We’ll spend the next several days taking a look at how we can maximize the power and effectiveness of our prayers.

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