Donna Works Tirelessly

Donna Partow

“Within a month, this course helped me hone, condense, and strategically share my message. Donna works tirelessly in helping ensure that the core message and passion of each participant is one of integrity and impact. – Peter Rosenberger

Best Thing That Ever Happened

Donna Partow

The weight loss challenge was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have tried so many diets and this is the first one I was able to succeed at in the last 30 yrs. I lost 34 lbs in 90 days! – Raya Perejogin

Blown Away by God!

Donna Partow

I am completely blown away by what God has accomplished in me. I have released 12 pounds. More than release of inches and weight…more than lifelong habits, I found my identity and got a glimpse of who GOD wants me to be! – Tiffany Downs

I’m Rising Up

Donna Partow

I have been freed from old mindsets and generational curses that had me bound! Now I’m soaring, rising up into the destiny my God has called me to. – Darlene