If you want to enjoy life, then Get on board with what God is doing. Rather than trying to get Him on board with what you are doing! I'll be the first to admit, throughout most of my Christian life, I was far more interested in trying to get God on board with my agenda.
I would dream up all kinds of great projects for Jesus. Then I'd drive everyone around me BONKERS trying to get them excited about my latest idea. All I did was drive myself and everyone around me crazy.
Then I heard someone say, “Stop asking God to bless what you are doing. Find out what he's doing. Because that is already blessed.”
Wow! What a revelation!!!
Think about this: Even JESUS, when He walked the earth, didn't ‘do his own thing':
I do nothing on my own. John 8:28
Affirmation: If I want to experience God’s power, I must align
myself with his purposes.
Experiencing God’s power is not about getting Him to align with our agendas. It is about getting in alignment with him. It is about walking in obedience.
Why Not Pray This Prayer?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending Jesus, not only to bring salvation to the world, but to show us how we might join our Triune God in the vital work of bringing that salvation into all the earth.
I stand amazed that, because Christ Jesus lives in me, I can also experience the power of God flowing in and through my life.
Holy Spirit, teach me to be sensitive to your leading so that I can perceive and join in your work.
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Check out my video, God Wants to Answer Your Prayers.